The Dreams of a Teenager Part-1
A boy named Samar of age 13 was
laid down in his room on the bed in the midnight. A tall personality with the
dark complexion trying to cover his body inside the limited sheet. He was a boy
who always dreaming about his future. He has nothing to do with his limited
resources to earn livelihood. He was thinking about the evening, how his father
had left him in this dark place to earn education for himself.

After changing postures for many
time, he stood up to open the door because silence around him making him feel
like a sick person. He stood up and checked the time, it was still 2.30 a.m.
and the sleep is long away from his eyes. He moved slowly towards the door and
with his shivering hand he opened the door. There was a long corridor outside it
where many other doors open from different rooms. He checked carefully about
the presence of any other person in the corridor, finding none he moved on
towards the stairs.
Every now and then he was worried
to be catch from the warden or guards but he controlled his heart and went on
crossing stairs per stairs. Whenever he find any turn on the stairs , his heart
starts beating fast as someone on the other side will definitely catch him.
He kept on crossing the stairs
and at last Samar was on the top of the roof. He found himself around the
little cold breezes glittering stars in the sky with moonlit covering the whole
roof. He was mesmerized with the beauty around him of tall building around everywhere.
Some of them reflecting lights through their windows and roads were totally
blanked. He just wanted to lost in the environment. He went on towards the end
of the boundary and sat down on it. He checked again on the clock it was still
3.20 a.m. He starts losing his sense and it’s like he was half sleeping.
Suddenly a hand from behind caught him to stop falling from boundary to the road.
Read next ->>Part 2
Read next ->>Part 2
what was samar did after