how to start preparing for GATE 2014 computer science


This is the perfect time to start for a GATE 2014 .i know that it’s not always easy to tackle the situation and go for GATE preparation but believe me if you can manage to get only 2 hours study per day you can easily get qualify into gate in computer science engineering .the question is how to make yourself so much strong with both confidence and knowledge to crack the gate exam. Gate exam is taken by the IIT from your syllabus only what you had read in your B.TECH, It’s not an exam that need to be taken seriously and doing a hard work on out of syllabus things .the main thing you have to do is to just sit down calmly and think about your future take a notepad and pen start writing what do you want from the life and then start preparing about GATE if you are serious about it.

1.      Open all your books from previous semester, the writers are given in , you can consult from it.

2.      Starting marking bout the syllabus of gate in different subjects you have to read.

3.      Get a gate analysis of paper from some good book and visualize what section the most question come from in paper.

4.      Take a view on yourself, what is good you at and what are your weak subjects.
5.      Now work on the subjects in which you are strong.

6.      Make yourself dive in an get the concepts in next month (September).

7.      Now in October go through your weak subjects section and only study that part from which you are comfortable with.

8.      Join any test series and start practicing paper in a limited time in November also work on your core subjects.

9.      December probably you have EndSem exams so take them seriously .

10.  In January go for revision of whole matter and try to understand the paper pattern of this year .go and do well all the best.

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  1. Woah, thankyou. I love the way you have segregated the preparation here. I found a link with the GATE Pattern for the 2014 exams. Here is the link if anybody wants reference:



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