Yuvraj Singh : WORlDCUP T20 LESSONS ?

I am a very complex writer so you
miss a single attention and you will end with no learning, so keep yourself
attached to this article till the end to get maximum from it, yeah I know you
are thinking about what Yuvraj Singh can teach us, he is a cricketer and in
last inning he choked and performed worst inning of his career, that’s the only
point from which I will tell you the human behavior that can teach you not to
choke in life ever.
So there are basic three
terminology used for symbolizing time in one’s life that is: PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE,
I will talk about it only –
PAST- Past is a
great source of knowledge about which you are today, whatever you have
performed in your last decade is something with which people understand your
personality. Maybe you were best, may be you were worst, any achievement you
have achieved, any failure you have received all comes in your past and your
present is known from that experience only. Yuvraj Singh has the same situation
by making contribution in
U-15 World cup, U-19
World cup, 2007 World cup, 2009 World cup, six sixes in a over
All his performances says he is
best and he fights for cancer, return back, even he can’t hold spoon after
surgery but he returned back and hold bat that’s the best he can do from himself,
you had all have similar experiences but at a point when you have all things
and you are known to the world, why should care about more performances. Learn
these points from your past….
Every day you have definite goals so don’t
inspire from past.
Past is gone, try to live in present.
Past is a glory for you but on the basis of
capabilities take your decisions for today.
You can be the best in past but in present many
more come who are better than you.
Always realize about your present condition,
don’t look it from past.
PRESENT – present is what you are today, try to live it
accordingly who you are today, maybe you have a lot money in your past and
everyday you went for the party to enjoy it but today you haven’t so cut the
parties and accept today situation, YUVRAJ SINGH faced the same situation, he
had a power in hand from which he earned name but today he doesn’t. Still he is
trying to prove and that’s why this happened to him. May be the same situation
with you, “you can earn position in a sector from you prestige but not
performance”. Learn these points from your past..
Do you still perform like your past if no? QUIT.
Do you have a caliber and power like your past
if no? QUIT.
Do you still have followers like the past if no?
Do you still earning awards and medals regularly
if no? QUIT.
Do you still the best person what you known for
if no? QUIT.
Then what to do
FUTURE - future is about what you are going to do in
your future from understanding present situations and values. if your answer is
NO then you should try to find the opportunities from which you can earn more
name and fame related to that section and best is you can be a mentor , you can
be a coach , you can be advisor , you can be a host .you can start your own
business , firm . You can write a book so that other can understand how you
have achieved all this. You can help others understanding how to remain calm and
positive after quitting from career. Learn these points for your future….
Choose a single domain to give best from your
Choose a field in which you will be respected
like in your career.
Choose a position from where you will not lose
your fame but earn more.
You have enough number of followers already try
to increase it to other sections.
Retirement is not about that you can’t do it but
it’s about you left it for others to perform and chase their dreams you have
earned enough.
Live like a winner not a loser.
Okay I am going, meet you in the
comments. Write your views in comments we will discuss it further, I know all
of you are eager to post your suggestions---