Soft skills preparation for IT companies – How to Prepare (part-1) ?
COMMUNICATION SKILLS - It’s been said that whatever you
express from mouth the person standing in front of you will assume your
personality from that. In an Interview or in any public place try to always
speak softly and gently. It shows humbleness and shows you a mature person. The
language is very important to talk on; you have to judge a language for the
person to speak with him/her in which he/she is comfortable with. This is not a
right way to start speaking English in front of audience who prefer local
language to communicate just to show off. If you are targeting an audience in a
seminal hall or auditorium make sure you are speaking with confidence and on
facts. Nobody likes stammering and irregular speeches, make some humor after
each junction while speaking in public. It helps in making the attachment of an
audience with you.
While dealing with the officials
always focus on targeting communication to the only on work. They don’t expect
stories from you but a direct answer or question from you to discuss on. It’s
been seen that if you work well your confidence will go up and instantly you
will communicate well. As far as placements concern try to start reading some
few books or start participating in group discussions, increase your vocabulary
to have a great discussions in future. The recruiters will like if you speak
with full confidence preferably in English not in any local language. You have
to present your ascent in a best way you can from yourself.
GROUP DISCUSSIONS- Most companies now a day’s started
including group discussions round in recruiting process. Generally in group
discussions there are about 10-15 students are taken in one round. Based on the
company profile they give you a topic from themselves or it could be any
general awareness discussion topic. The main thing to keep on during group
discussion is 3 major roles are played by these 10-15 students.
Initiator- who starts
discussion about topic. If you don’t know anything do not starts first. The one
who knows will start automatically , you have to just understand what the topic
is all about then wait for your turn and speak whatever you know, make sure
there can be two sides positive and negative for the topic , try to stick only
with one during whole of the discussion.
Concluder – who ends up
the discussion with a conclusion. After listening from all the members there is
a person who need to conclude it .The person will tell about the content on
which the group is agreed.
Dominator – A person who
keeps busy him/herself in whole of the discussion. He/she is responsible for
disturbing and maintaining the discussions. If anybody is diverting from the
topic, this is the person who objects and keep them back on topic also they
involved in lot of noises by interfering in each other turns.
Try to become the one of the
above to clear the group discussion, in term of dominator never interfere in
any others turn but you can watch to correct about the right and wrong points
in their turn. If you are not able to choose any of the above role. Try to talk
as much as you can in your turn with better facts and ideas.
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