Guest Post - " Au-Revoir by Biswadeep Ghosh Hazra "
(Two boys aged somewhere between 20 and 22 is
sitting in a typical hostel room, the room have two beds and they both are
room-mates. Their vision are glued on the laptop screen, they seem to be pretty
engrossed in whatever they are doing. The camera screen zooms a little to
capture what they are really doing…)
Why do you need a new g-mail id? I can retrieve your password of that old Gmail
id of yours.-it will be like reviving someone from the dead…
bhai, please do not give me bullshit; I need to have an email id at the moment
and reviving my old Gmail account is gonna take my time, which unfortunately at
the moment I cannot waste.
Akash despite Yusuf’s repeated protests went on to
‘revive’ his old e-mail, but he knew that the so called reviving was no magic
trick but a series of careful steps that needed to be followed and the only way
out was to keep patience and calm.
With adept hands Akash kept typing and Yusuf
muttered under his breath that he had little time as he had to receive some
scanned copies of important documents which Yusuf needed to submit to his
department. Being a studious and serious
student, he knew the importance and weight of time.
Please type your mobile number to get a code and yes your number ends with
**3590, at least that is what Google says for the moment-
Yusuf is looking at Akash, his eyes indicative of
the fact that he had defeated in pursuing him for the last fifteen minutes. He obediently
follows, typing the mobile number; the screen shows digits being entered…
several moments, rather minutes later Akash reaches a screen that shows Yusuf
is required to give any e-mail id as a reference email-id in case Yusuf loses
the password again and given the forgetful boy that he is, he may need that
reference id in the near future itself.**
am entering my e-mail at the moment, so that you can get your password from
here, my account itself.
Sounds fair enough then!
and Yusuf are room-mates and friends for life- they studied in different
departments though, Akash was in Computer Sciences and Yusuf was in Civil. Akash
is basically the guy you want to speak to for improving your computer’s
performance. A coding expert, and also an addict, Akash literally feeds on
technology magazines and Yusuf could swear Akash has a hard on for gadgets and
technological stuff. Yusuf on the other hand is a simple and nincompoop fellow,
the ones you see in villages. He has a girl friend, studies in a reputed
private college and gets good grades, but he is not into technology and geeky
stuff. Akash thought that his roommate had a pretty low take on life and was
satisfied and content with whatever he had, this in fact irritated Akash the
, I have included this as a reference e-mail id, your work is now complete and
(turning the laptop screen towards Yusuf) this is your inbox.
Yusuf: Aah, thanks man, I owe
you one.
Yeah, well I’ll ask a small favor from you when the time is right, not now.
and Akash graduated and went in different directions in life; Yusuf had become
the director of GB constructions, a multi-national company while on the other
hand Akash had found a job at TCS recently and left his BPO job to join TCS.
Yusuf had progressed fast while Akash did at a much slower pace. Life was full
of conundrums for Akash who was trying to make both ends meet, his father had
recently been diagnosed with artery clogging and he did not have enough money
to pay for his operation.**
(Scene shows a room packed with people enjoying
themselves to the brim, a party is going on obviously given by the company GB
constructions, Yusuf is seen making everybody feel comfortable. There are
foreign and international delegates from the other branches of the construction
company. Suddenly Yusuf’s phone rings and …)
Hi, Yusuf this is Ramanathan, senior President of GB constructions here (sternly).
Yes, sir, tell me what is the matter?
Well, I hope you’re enjoying the party, but there is a small project that needs
to be done right now.
Right now? As in right at this moment? Can’t I submit tomorrow morning?
am sending some details to you via e-mail please check and confirm…
But sir I am in the middle of a party!
Remember what I told you, young man?
Yeah, never question your seniors!
##Yusuf disliking the very words of his boss went to
a small room adjoining the rooms where the party is being organized. His laptop
and other accessories were safely kept in an almirah having a specific code.
Yusuf inserted his high speed 4G dongle and started accessing the internet,
within seconds his Gmail screen was visible that politely asked Yusuf of his e-mail
address and password. But the champagne and scotch had worked their magic and
Yusuf had forgotten his password…##
Shit, what was my password? Let me try this…
had forgotten his password and could not remember it no matter how hard he tried;
it seemed that his mind was failing him. Already intoxicated with champagne and
scotch, Yusuf had his mind going in circles and what not shapes. However he had to remember the password as his
boss had sent something really important and that needed some checking. His
mind had fallen into an eternal abyss and now that he had totally lost his
password, he had no option other than sending a code or number to his reference
id which is basically Akash’s email id. Years had resulted in Yusuf’s dark,
thick black hair to be thinner and increasing white hairs were visible now
showing the amount of pressure Yusuf had been tackling for years.
**But how would he call Akash? They had been out of
contact since they graduated, and after that both had gone very different and
separate ways. Akash was with the BPO when Yusuf had a chat with him, which was
nearly seven to nine years ago. Now the fact that Yusuf had to face Akash
transfixed him, how would he talk? Akash must be surprised and offended at the
same time that I had broken contact with him-Yusuf went on thinking little realizing
that his boss would call again in a very short time to ask if he had seen the mail
he sent. Yusuf logged in Facebook to see if Akash was online-Voila! He was, but
still Yusuf felt a tingling sensation out of excitement and fear to confront
his long lost bestie. **
(The scene shows Yusuf typing something on Facebook
chat and it is safe to assume that it is Akash, but we see tension in Yusuf’s
face as he is not getting even one reply from Akash. After fifteen minutes of
chatting tirelessly, and not getting a reply Yusuf got frustrated. He called
Mr. Ramanathan to buy some more time giving Yusuf a maximum time limit of
twenty minutes or twenty five minutes at the most.)
Suddenly the phone rings and Yusuf’s heart skipped a
Hi Yusuf! I saw all your messages, sorry I was busy…
Suddenly hearing Akash’s voice after so long made
Yusuf completely at ease, he immediately relaxed and began chatting with Akash,
often expressing how sorry he was for not contacting with him all these years…
Yusuf was flooded wet with nostalgia’s waves rushing over him, he immediately
remembered and saw entire flashbacks of the foolish and stupid things they did
with their friends at the hostel, ah, those were the days. Suddenly though-
I accept your apologies; actually even I should have contacted you, so I guess
we’re even.
Thank god! I actually require you favor once again…
Yes, Mr. Director how could I help you (giggles)
Yusuf realized even though Akash did not contact him
all these years, but he kept information of what Yusuf was doing and he even
knew that Yusuf had been promoted to the post of a director at the construction
company. He felt guilty as he should have given the good news to Akash himself
but now he was in an awkward and troubling position and could not do anything
about it…
Finally seeing the clock, Yusuf mustered enough
courage and finally asked under one breath-
Listen Akash I need to send a code to your e-mail id, my account, err … I
actually forgot my password.
Ha ha ha, old habits die hard, don’t they?
Yes they do and in case of Yusuf old habits had a
queer way of not dying even after so many years, Yusuf thus kept silent, for
some moments he did not talk. Akash understood and immediately took steps to
reduce the tension between them.
Remember that time I told you that you owed me one?
Yusuf understood and was prepared to do anything
that Akash requests him off- hell he even thought of financial matters because
he knew Akash was struggling to make ends meet. But what Akash told him
silenced Yusuf and he realized his fault,
Don’t say Au-Revoir in this lifetime, let our friendship last…
**These were the last words that Akash told before
hanging up the phone, apparently he knew time was valuable for his friend.**
scene shows Yusuf crying with his hands over his head, while Yusuf’s mobile
ringed three consecutive times with the code from Akash…)
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